Christ’s Object LessonsChrist’s Object Lessons

Christ’s Object Lessons

The parables of Jesus paint a visual picture of the greatest lessons of life. Each laid a path to guide the listener. Jesus’ parables link divine truth with familiar stories and incidents. Common objects are associated with true and beautiful thoughts that draw the mind toward heavenly things. Lessons of divine wisdom and practical instruction are blended into impressive truths for all to follow.
The parables of Jesus paint a visual picture of the greatest lessons of life. Each laid a path to guide the listener. Jesus’ parables link divine truth with familiar stories and incidents. Common objects are associated with true and beautiful thoughts that draw the mind toward heavenly things. Lessons of divine wisdom and practical instruction are blended into impressive truths for all to follow.

Christ’s Object Lessons


In this devotional classic, Ellen G. White explores the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables of Christ as they apply to the life today.
Writing not as a dry historical scholar or technical commentator, but as a messenger pleading the case of the Lord she loves, the author provides practical applications in a way that touches the heart.
Those who attempt to underline the choicest passages often give up after finding entire pages underlined. In the pages of this book generations of readers have heard the same voice that spoke the parables so long ago still speaking to their heart, saying “Come to Me.”
NOTE: Pagination follows that of the standard printing which is also used in the Comprehensive (Topical) Index to the Writings of Ellen G. White.

Book codeCOL
Published by Review and Herald Publishing Association

Citation: White, E. G. (1900) Christ’s Object Lessons. Review and Herald Publishing Association.

Christ’s Object Lessons

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Ellen Gould White (née Harmon) November 26, 1827 – July 16, 1915

“Make Christ first and last and best in everything. Constantly behold Him, and your love for Him will daily become deeper and stronger.” Ellen White wrote countless gems like this and many others during her lifetime. In December 1844 at the age of 17, while praying earnestly with friends, Ellen Harmon received her first vision, a supernatural view of God’s people on their spiritual journey to the city of God. Throughout her ministry she continued to have hundreds of visions from God. The counsels and insights she was shown have been preserved in more than 100,000 pages of books, articles, and manuscripts, all written throughout her 70 year span of ministry.

Nineteenth-century women were rarely counted as leading religious figures. Neither were those with a shortened grade school education expected to become best-selling authors. However, Ellen White is known as the world’s most-widely published woman on religious topics. For a woman of her times, she was indeed remarkable, traveling and preaching throughout America, Europe, and Australia. Ellen White wrote dozens of divinely inspired and insightful books on such topics as Scripture, health, relationships, marriage, parenting, education, evangelism, and many other important themes. Her love for Jesus shines through all her writings, especially in her classics, Steps to Christ, The Desire of Ages, Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings, and Christ’s Object Lessons. Her works have changed millions of lives to become healthier, happier, and dedicate themselves to God. Ellen White was a gifted nineteenth-century religious writer, author, and renowned speaker. Her life’s a living testament to what it means to be wholly led by God.

— The Ellen G. White Estate

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